Tag Archives: United States Constitution

Sunday’s a Commin’


Only fools believe government to be benevolent. Only Christ is benevolent and a government that protects the inalienable rights of its citizens acts on the behalf of Jesus Christ. So was, for this purpose, our constitution written. The fools who declare our constitution archaic and out of date have no honest appreciation for the Liberty and Freedom and Christlike living it is designed to protect. It was not designed to protect godless atheism or a tyrannical Federal government. It was designed to protect us from such things by providing for the FREE exercise of our religious freedom and the pursuit of our own personal happiness.

The abuses over the past 50 years have given a permissive society an excuse to decry the value provided by our sacred constitution. Yes I said sacred. Not ordained or inspired by Christ as the Bible but by the Godly wisdom and principle of Christlike men who sacrificed all they had for the principles penned within. To mock or belittle its tenets is disrespect of the highest degree and one must ignore the millions of lives that have been either lost or impacted in its defence. In everything give thanks for this is the will of God concerning you and remember…..

It’s Good Friday y’all but Sunday’s a commin’

And that’s this Christian American Opinion

DC Creates an Emesis Epidemic!


Is the constitutionality of the 1st 2nd and 4th amendment issues that face us today merely decided by the subjective opinion of those in power? Are the people that are in our circle, that we might offend, the litmus test for right and wrong? I believe the founding principles need to be protected beyond the Amendments or laws which they produced…but that would require those who make our laws, those who execute our laws and those who define the intent of our laws to have principles to begin with or be GOD FEARING PEOPLE, as our founding fathers were who created our Constitution!

Which they are not!

I’m getting dehydrated!!!!

And that’s this Christian American’s Opinion…


A Sheriff is arrested for upholding Second Amendment.

Unheard of, right?….well, that’s what you would think.
The Second Amendment debate continues to brew across the country. Some feel that their Second Amendment rights are threatened and immediate action needs to be taken. As a result, several sheriffs around the nation have pledged that they would not enforce ANY laws they felt would violate our Second Amendment rights.ImageIn Florida, sixty-seven sheriffs signed one of those pledges declaring they would uphold the Second Amendment and defend Americans’ right to bear arms. This decision didn’t fare so well for Sheriff Nicholas Finch, who was arrested in early March by FL Governor Rick Scott for upholding the Second Amendment. Governor Scott has appointed Carl Causey as sheriff to replaced Finch until the case is heard in July. Here’s a little background to the story.
The charge against the sheriff stems from an incident involving his deputy, James Hoagland.
On March 8, Sgt. James Hoagland arrested a man named Floyd Parrish for carrying a fully loaded concealed semi-automatic weapon.  When Sheriff Finch walked on the scene, he was accompanied by one of Parrish’s family members. After investigating the situation, Finch took Parrish’s arrest file and released Parrish and his gun.  The sheriff then destroyed all documentation related to Parrish’s arrest.  Several days later, Hoagland asked Finch about the incident. He responded by saying he believes in, “Second Amendment rights.”
It wasn’t long afterwards that Sheriff. Finch was arrested, according to the Independent Sentinel for a “Third-Degree Felony charge of official misconduct for destroying or removing official documents from the county jail to cover up the arrest of Mr. Parrish. Finch was released on his own recognizance.”
Finch’s lawyer, Jimmy Judkins, released this statement to the Independent Sentinel:
”The records at the jail show exactly what happened in this case and the records speak the truth. The sheriff looked at the facts and said, ‘I believe in the second amendment and we’re not going to charge him.’ That is not misconduct at all. That is within the sheriff’s prerogative whether to charge someone or not.”
Many believe, according to the Independent Sentinel, that all actions taken by the sheriff were within his authority. As a sheriff, he had the authority to decide whether or not to charge Parish for having a firearm in his possession. Since Parrish was not charged, the arrest records are not of any value to Finch who, therefore, had a right to destroy those records.
Any yet, Finch was still arrested and charged with third-degree felony offenses.
What do you think?

Courtesy LibertyNEWS.com


“Making Choices in Society”

Obama’s Choices!!! (Watch this short clip)

koolaidBarack Obama spoke in San Diego California to a group in support of his failing health care plan. He made a clumsy script-less  attempt before an aid finally produced a prepared speech. After which he was asked questions regarding the recent privacy scandals in which he answered:

“Trust me, we’re doing the right thing. We know who the bad guys are.” (Which means)

“I think the American people understand that there are some trade-offs involved,” (Which means)

“We’re going to have to make some choices as a society. (Which means)

“It’s important to recognize that you can’t have 100 percent security and also then have 100 percent privacy and zero inconvenience,”  (Which means)

I don’t like the choices that Obama says we have to make for security in our country. He is using a real threat against us to undermine our Constitutional government  Also, most media sources do not even report his unconstitutional posturing. The links I’ve connected to above are mostly from conservative sources because Google doesn’t even show a monolithic main stream media source for any of these proven facts.

I don’t believe our enemies deserve the privileges of an American Constitution that they don’t respect. I choose that we go after muslims that will not pledge allegiance to the United States of America and one nation under one God. We are a Christian nation not a muslim or Islam nation. All other faiths are welcome to freely express their beliefs but they will not control or influence our American culture. The sooner we promote that and start profiling those who are responsible for terror the sooner we can get on with the American way and the Constitutional protections established by our founding fathers.

And that’s A Christian American Opinion

The Barrage of Recalcitrant RINOS

I’m not blogging very much these days since the election. I’m working through the spiritual manifestation of evil that got the hugest pass in American history. But, in the meantime, my wonderfully talented son, who lives in Colorado is barraged by so called reasonable republicans who are mad because we lost due to the Republican Party’s Platform and how our lack of spin and parsing of our position has scared too many votes off. I regret sharing this vile link (to the blogger http://tinyurl.com/arq9arw ) that my son’s friend shared with him. But you may need it for perspective. My son shares it with me looking for his Dad’s opinion. Well, below I share my opinion. I hope it not only grabs my son’s attention but many others being attacked by the recalcitrant RINOS.

This guy is from Vermont – a flaming liberal, just read his language. Please do not get fooled by his warped Godless logic. You have to put the US Constitution and Christian Biblical doctrine in the equation which this idiot doesn’t. For me to start going point by point is a total waste of your’s and my time. Right him and the blog off

Did you know how the Secret Service is taught how to recognize a counterfeit $100 bill?  Well I’ll skip to the chase and tell you straight out – it’s not by studying counterfeit bills its by studying an authentic $100 bill so much they can tell a counterfeit practically by touch.

My advise to you is spend some time studying the Constitution of the United States and the Bible doctrines that apply to the principles that founded our country. That way, when you see garbage like this, cloaked in reason, you can simply hit the delete button. The wolves are out to get you, don’t forget that.

You can just tell your friend you don’t think you’re ready for a political or philosophical discussion until you are more boned up on the Biblical and US Constitutional facts.

We are not a country that was created by a bunch of fools whose logic was based on race, sex and economic conditions. Liberty goes far beyond the spin on the left, as a matter of fact if it wasn’t for the thousands of men who died to preserve our liberty this idiot wouldn’t even have the right to speak his misguided mind. Its not about Party its about values. And if our country’s values have sunk so low that we must appeal to the sexual perverts, baby killers, vote buyers and race baiters or those sympathetic to them we are on the way to losing what America stands for. Jesus Christ spoke the truth and did not put any spin on it to attract a lot of votes…the differences are beyond logic and reason, they are spiritual in nature.

Here is a video of the kind of human beings his logic creates.


And that’s a Christian American Opinion

Government Regulations Screwed Me!

A little more on this issue. There is no special morality to being a centrist but there is to be a conservative. As a political Conservative and not a Republican I am passionate about the founding principles that gave us a LIMITED Judeo Christian based government. Limited government has grown to over-sized government and put us into a $16 trillion debt problem from both parties. I’m for any political candidate that uses his political skill and gravitas to influence the opposing party for the basic principles afore mentioned.This would have to bring us closer to the middle of course but you cannot expect a centrist candidate at this time in our history (McCain) to pull us back to where we came from. Our progressive politicians have driven us further to the left and a European style government (that’s going broke I might add)  and I believe that was not the intention of our Founders. Just demonizing the few corporations that have exploited its employees doesn’t invalidate our free enterprise system with limited governance.

Government regulations destroyed the corporation I worked for, for 16 years, and the company my wife built from scratch and ran for 14 years. The government put 10,000 out of work in my company and 43 from my wife’s. And also put us both out of work. A whole lot of time invested for a future that never materialized due to government regulations.Regulations created as political leverage to “protect” the citizenry from “Big Corporations”. Bull Crap! I was doing just fine before liberal politicians seized power and attempted to tip the scales in their favor by exploiting a disaster for a few lousy votes. I trust my Lord is able to protect me through the change but attempting to praise compromise,which is a word describing something  He never did – put Him on a Cross by the compromisers or liberal/progressive politicians of His day. This short video might help you understand. http://youtu.be/eLbeX5TgGCE

Help Obama Pack

So early this morning while having fun posting new and exciting facts about the upcoming election on Facebook, my darling sensitive wife made an astounding statement. “Why do we always have to be so hard on Barack Obama?”she says. I leapt off the bed! Are you kidding? My fiery eyed conservative Mississippi wife, all of a sudden, has sympathy for our soon to be ex-president? “Yes,” she says. ” I think we need to consider all the work he’s going to have to go through packing all his stuff to move out in January; so we need to help him.” Help him! I cried. So how do you suppose we help him move out? Well, she said. “Do you remember how difficult it was finding enough boxes in good shape to put all our stuff in last time we moved?” Yes, I said, as the memory of loading all those boxes from grocery stores in the back of our car day after day; just hoping we had found enough for our move, came flooding back to my mind. We had accumulated a lot of stuff. Well, she said. I think it would be the right thing for us to consider how much stuff our soon to be ex-president has accumulated over the last four years and we need to help him with the boxes. Wow….you have a point there I said. Why don’t we just create a website with some simple instructions on how all of our friends and like-minded conservatives can give Michelle and Barack a hand.

So if you are inclined to be a good Samaritan and want to do one last favor for the man at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,

Go to www.helpobamapack.com

And send him an empty cardboard box today.

And that’s a Christian American Opinion

Saving my Family from Barack Obama

Today my son was kind enough to share an Obama political cartoon and asked me what I thought. So I answered his question as best I could. Just read below.

Half truths and distortions. A well done propaganda piece appealing with a cartoon to those who are easily fooled by a well produced and scripted ad. If I had never studied US or World history I think I would be fooled as well. Most people are too busy to take the time to worry about the accuracy of his statements. If I thought you were interested I guess I could go point by point and provide clarity to the claims and show the distortions.

But just think about these few facts which is counter to the ad’s overall argument.

1. The US constitution declares that personal rights and states’ rights are protected FROM the Federal Government.


Why? Because we started and won a Revolutionary war to deliver us from the Federal Government of England. We do not want a King at the federal level. Our great country and its economy and prosperity is driven and grown by the “Rich” who create jobs and got there through hard work innovation and a free enterprise economy (capitalism) not the middle class. Just tell me, how many jobs have you given anyone versus Steve Jobs? Obama is trying to create a great divide between the races and classes. Income taxes versus sales taxes are relatively new and were mostly increased due to the cost of wars.


2. The federal government is not self-sustaining…it “takes” all its money; but from only 1/2 of americans who work to build businesses, hire and pay people (the middle class). Of these business entrepreneurs 60% of all federal tax is paid by the so-called “rich” or top 5% (or most successful) of the income earners in this country. So out of all the people paying taxes who do you think really deserves to pay a little more or a little less?


This fact alone should tell you the cartoon is a big fat lie. Remember all the money you earn is YOURS per our constitution not the government’s. Remember we are a FREE people and Freedom means just that.

3. So in simple terms. Take your family. Let’s say you tell Ian and Gavin they need to pay you 10% of all the money they earn. So Ian,wanting to buy a bike and being the brilliant entrepreneur has an idea. He’s going to sell lemonade out front. So he works very hard to build a lemonade stand. He sits at it all day in the hot sun and takes in $10 the first day. Gavin on the other hand sees Ian’s success but doesn’t want to take the risk of going to all that work to build his own stand so instead goes to Ian and asks him if he could work for Ian instead. Ian thinks it’s a good idea to maybe stay open longer and bring in more money. He agrees to pay Gavin $3 a day. Of course with hiring Gavin he expects to make more than $10 and pay Gavin from the profits above that. So after a week Ian earns $10 the first day, $13 the second, $20 the 3rd and levels off at $20 the forth for a total of $63. Out of that Ian pays for the lemonade mix, and the materials used to build the stand and then pays Gavin his $12 for the week. Ian is left $41 dollars.

Now I ask you:

a. how much money would Gavin have made if Ian didn’t build the stand?

b. since  Gavin made $12 what gives you the right (OBAMA) to say that since he earned 30% less income than Ian he now does not have to pay you the 10% or $1.20 you said he was supposed too?

c. and to compensate for the loss in revenue, you make Ian pick up that $1.20 and pay $5.30 or 13% ( after deductions) and then you create a windfall profits tax of another 2%  for the money Ian made over the original $10 a day for a total tax of almost $6.00 because you see Ian’s making a lot more money than he projected rather than the $4.10 or 10% you originally said.


Final question. How enthusiastic is Ian going to be to take more risk, put in more energy to get cheated out of his hard-earned money. Where is Gavin going to work? And if Ian does chose to just not redo the lemonade stand to earn the money to buy the bike but instead goes to you for a bike (Obama phone, welfare, food stamps) guess what that does to your families economy? You might have to put Mama to work to pay for bikes and things, for those who won’t?  But of course you’ll then make more money and your darling federal government will take more of your money as well to pay for the services they give to others to get their vote so you can put them back into office, remain dependent on them and then they OWN you and you are no longer FREE…but according to the cartoon it’s all the rich guys fault. Paleeeezzzzzz!!!


So what’s your incentive to build your business bigger? Higher taxes or lower taxes as an incentive? Is your incentive the bigger you get the more they take?


If I had the resources and talent I’d make my own freaking brainless cartoon.

And that’s an American Christian Opinion




Dad, he’s peeing in the kitchen!

So me and the wife decide we need someone to manage our household affairs. After interviewing several choices, we vote as a family. My wife and kids win because they like this guy’s endearing personality. I go along because the  guy  promises to change things in a very positive way. He even gets an award for his recent performances. Well we’re all excited until one day, soon after voting him into our home, I caught him peeing in my kitchen. I brought this up to my wife and kids but they excused it saying that I was  just being unfair. They said it was only because I didn’t vote for him in the first place. Well this goes on and every so often I catch this guy peeing in my kitchen. I got so upset I told some of my neighbors and they just shrugged it off and said I was being too critical.

The next thing I find out is that instead of going through our established household channels, like asking my wife or my permission, he starts taking cash right from our “vacation money” drawer and gives it to our kids; as special gifts for favors! Well now I’m really pee o’d. I can’t take this anymore. But when I talk about it, display any angst or complain I’m laughed at and criticized.

Well let me ask YOU! If this was your house and this was happening to the family you loved and the home you respected. What would you do? Just sit in your arm-chair and let it happen or get off your duff and do something about it. Oh, you might say house managers are all the same no sense getting all excited . Things will eventually be ok. Well that might eventually be so, but what does that say about your self respect or for your house and your family for that matter! I dare say one could accuse you of being derelict as a husband and a father.

Not this American. You disrespect my house and my family you are out on your ears. So come November 6th 2012 what are you going to do. Sit at home in your apathetic loving arm-chair and continue to let the disrespect continue in OUR House or will you at least grow a little courage and say something. I for one am tired of the stink in the kitchen.

And this is a Christian American Opinion,

Please  don’t be in dereliction of your citizen’s duty, vote anti-socialist!


A Christian American’s Redress

So the question comes up all the time, “how can I be a Christian and resist the government’s authority?” Doesn’t Paul the apostle make it very clear that we are to submit to governing authorities? Romans 13:1-7. I will try never to take the word of God out of context. Paul was speaking very clearly about government authority in general and their purpose to restrain evil. I believe Paul (and of course the Holy Spirit) is directly referring to the Executive Branches of Government i.e.”he does not bear the sword in vain”. In the United States of America we have a constitution that describes the authority of the government and responsibility of its citizens.  Our government’s constitution preamble states:  We the People of the United States in order to form   a more perfect union…

Our Declaration of Independence states:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government.

Americans have a history of “self governance.”  Abraham Lincoln acknowledged this in the Gettysburg Address. “…that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”.

We are a government “of the people”, “by the people” and “for the people” as well as a nation under God. So as citizens of this great country we have a Biblical responsibility to follow its laws that we, through our republican form of government created but also have a responsibility and a right to alter or abolish it as an unalienable right if it moves beyond its constitutional limits.

So how can I do this and remain within my scriptural boundaries? Well if we read the “Bill of Rights” we can read in 1st 9th and 10th amendments to the United States Constitution which allow us the freedom and responsibility of  demanding our rights from our government through redress. If our rights are being violated we have a Christian obligation to resist. Not only for our sakes but for the sake of our children and other Americans whose rights afforded them by our Constitution and laws are being violated.

So when a fellow Christian brother or sister rebukes your outspoken position using Romans saying it is God’s will to submit to our government, let them know you are, and then  that you expect them to get off their couch and stand up for our country as well…In the name of  our founding fathers, the constitution and your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.