Monthly Archives: June 2013

I Was A Stranger And You Took Me In


“Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

With conquering limbs astride from land to land;

Here at our sea-washed, sunset hates shall stand

A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame

Is the imprisoned lighting, and her name

Mother of Exiles. From her beacon hand

Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she

With silent lips.

“Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

With all this immigration reform chatter I’m very suspicious of a new website and video that is being sent around by many evangelical spokes persons including some one I’ve always admired Max Lucado. The website and video are at It’s title is “I was a stranger”. This message wants to seem benign as it asks for Evangelicals to take 40 days to pray for God’s will regarding “immigration”. The directive is for 4 separate “Challenges” to yourself, your campus, your church and legislators. They have a 17 page toolkit to walk these 4 groups through the marketing process (my word). The reason I’m suspect is because it is only on page 17 of the toolkit that you find this statement of purpose,

As evangelical Christian leaders, we call for a bipartisan solution on immigration that:

  •  Respects the God-given dignity of every person 
  •  Protects the unity of the immediate family 
  •  Respects the rule of law 
  •  Guarantees secure national borders 
  •  Ensures fairness to taxpayers 
  •  Establishes a path toward legal status and/or citizenship for those who qualify and who wish to become permanent residents 

We urge our nation’s leaders to work together with the American people to pass immigration reform that embodies these key principles and that will make our nation proud.

I never in all my life, and as the grandson of Italian immigrants, thought for one moment that America is not an immigration friendly country. It is only because of the illegal lawless immigration problem we have been experiencing for the past 40 years created by the political class for a number of illicit reasons, that immigration has become a polarizing issue. The lies being told by the Democrats regarding the Conservatives who have been fighting to protect our borders has misinformed the american people and seems to have influenced the more liberal arm of the Cristian community. The issue IS NOT ABOUT IMMIGRATION! The issue is about LEGAL immigration and the lawlessness of the Federal Government in their pursuit of political power over the states and every other branch of government.

Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing and the subtle little foxes. Just sayin.

And that’s A Christian American Opinion.

Biden: Al Gore was elected President of the United States

This group of people in politics are the most self serving bunch of wackos that ever lived.

A Sheriff is arrested for upholding Second Amendment.

Unheard of, right?….well, that’s what you would think.
The Second Amendment debate continues to brew across the country. Some feel that their Second Amendment rights are threatened and immediate action needs to be taken. As a result, several sheriffs around the nation have pledged that they would not enforce ANY laws they felt would violate our Second Amendment rights.ImageIn Florida, sixty-seven sheriffs signed one of those pledges declaring they would uphold the Second Amendment and defend Americans’ right to bear arms. This decision didn’t fare so well for Sheriff Nicholas Finch, who was arrested in early March by FL Governor Rick Scott for upholding the Second Amendment. Governor Scott has appointed Carl Causey as sheriff to replaced Finch until the case is heard in July. Here’s a little background to the story.
The charge against the sheriff stems from an incident involving his deputy, James Hoagland.
On March 8, Sgt. James Hoagland arrested a man named Floyd Parrish for carrying a fully loaded concealed semi-automatic weapon.  When Sheriff Finch walked on the scene, he was accompanied by one of Parrish’s family members. After investigating the situation, Finch took Parrish’s arrest file and released Parrish and his gun.  The sheriff then destroyed all documentation related to Parrish’s arrest.  Several days later, Hoagland asked Finch about the incident. He responded by saying he believes in, “Second Amendment rights.”
It wasn’t long afterwards that Sheriff. Finch was arrested, according to the Independent Sentinel for a “Third-Degree Felony charge of official misconduct for destroying or removing official documents from the county jail to cover up the arrest of Mr. Parrish. Finch was released on his own recognizance.”
Finch’s lawyer, Jimmy Judkins, released this statement to the Independent Sentinel:
”The records at the jail show exactly what happened in this case and the records speak the truth. The sheriff looked at the facts and said, ‘I believe in the second amendment and we’re not going to charge him.’ That is not misconduct at all. That is within the sheriff’s prerogative whether to charge someone or not.”
Many believe, according to the Independent Sentinel, that all actions taken by the sheriff were within his authority. As a sheriff, he had the authority to decide whether or not to charge Parish for having a firearm in his possession. Since Parrish was not charged, the arrest records are not of any value to Finch who, therefore, had a right to destroy those records.
Any yet, Finch was still arrested and charged with third-degree felony offenses.
What do you think?


Pick Which Obama Administration Scandal is Racist?


1. Mexican gun running?

2. The State Dept. lying about Benghazi?” 

3. The IRS targeting conservatives?” 

4. The DOJ spying on the press?” 

5. Sibelius shaking down health insurance executives?” 

6. The NSA monitoring our phone calls, e-mails and everything else?” 

7. The State Dept. (new today) interfering with an IG investigation on dept. sexual misconduct?” 

8. HHS employees (also new today) being given insider information on Medicare Advantage?” 

9. Clinton, the IRS, Clapper & Holder all lying to Congress?” 

Or 65 million low-info voters sticking us again with the most corrupt administration in American history?”

“Making Choices in Society”

Obama’s Choices!!! (Watch this short clip)

koolaidBarack Obama spoke in San Diego California to a group in support of his failing health care plan. He made a clumsy script-less  attempt before an aid finally produced a prepared speech. After which he was asked questions regarding the recent privacy scandals in which he answered:

“Trust me, we’re doing the right thing. We know who the bad guys are.” (Which means)

“I think the American people understand that there are some trade-offs involved,” (Which means)

“We’re going to have to make some choices as a society. (Which means)

“It’s important to recognize that you can’t have 100 percent security and also then have 100 percent privacy and zero inconvenience,”  (Which means)

I don’t like the choices that Obama says we have to make for security in our country. He is using a real threat against us to undermine our Constitutional government  Also, most media sources do not even report his unconstitutional posturing. The links I’ve connected to above are mostly from conservative sources because Google doesn’t even show a monolithic main stream media source for any of these proven facts.

I don’t believe our enemies deserve the privileges of an American Constitution that they don’t respect. I choose that we go after muslims that will not pledge allegiance to the United States of America and one nation under one God. We are a Christian nation not a muslim or Islam nation. All other faiths are welcome to freely express their beliefs but they will not control or influence our American culture. The sooner we promote that and start profiling those who are responsible for terror the sooner we can get on with the American way and the Constitutional protections established by our founding fathers.

And that’s A Christian American Opinion


Every now and then I find a blog post from another author that makes a point worth sharing. Well, below is just one of those. For all those teddy bear, PBS and NPR apatheticists (my word); one day you will wake up to find your children heading to jail for something blatantly un-American and it will be far too late for you to do anything about it!

Thanks to DougRoss@Journal –

Holder Justice Department Says It Will Help Enforce Islamic Sharia Law

DOJ: Social Media Posts Trashing Muslims May Violate Civil Rights

In its latest effort to protect followers of Islam in the U.S. the Obama Justice Department warns against using social media to spread information considered inflammatory against Muslims, threatening that it could constitute a violation of civil rights.

[Ed.: Apparently the DOJ needs to read the Bill of Rights again and, in particular, the First Amendment.]

The move comes a few years after the administration became the first in history to dispatch a U.S. Attorney General to personally reassure Muslims that the Department of Justice (DOJ) is dedicated to protecting them. In the unprecedented event, Attorney General Eric Holder assured a San Francisco-based organization (Muslim Advocates) that urges members not to cooperate in federal terrorism investigations that the “us versus them” environment created by the U.S. government, law enforcement agents and fellow citizens is unacceptable and inconsistent with what America is all about.

…Evidently that was a precursor of sorts for an upcoming Tennessee event (“Public Disclosure in a Diverse Society”) that will feature the region’s top DOJ official [Bill Killian], who serves as U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Tennessee, and an FBI representative. The goal is to increase awareness and understanding that American Muslims are not the terrorists some have made them out to be in social media and other circles, according to a local newspaper report. The June 4 powwow is sponsored by the American Muslim Advisory Council of Tennessee.

The area’s top federal prosecutor, Bill Killian, will address a topic that most Americans are likely unfamiliar with, even those well versed on the Constitution; that federal civil rights laws can actually be violated by those who post inflammatory documents aimed at Muslims on social media. “This is an educational effort with civil rights laws as they play into freedom of religion and exercising freedom of religion,” Killian says in the local news story. “This is also to inform the public what federal laws are in effect and what the consequences are.”

…Over the years the Obama administration has embarked on a fervent crusade to befriend Muslims by creating a variety of outreach programs at a number of key federal agencies. For instance the nation’s Homeland Security covertly met with a group of extremist Arab, Muslim and Sikh organizations to discuss national security matters and the State Department sent a controversial, anti-America Imam (Feisal Abdul Rauf) to the Middle East to foster greater understanding and outreach among Muslim majority communities.

The Obama Administration has also hired a special Homeland Security adviser (Mohamed Elibiary) who openly supports a radical Islamist theologian and renowned jihadist ideologue and a special Islam envoy that condemns U.S. prosecutions of terrorists as “politically motivated persecutions” and has close ties to radical extremist groups.

The president has even ordered the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to shift its mission from space exploration to Muslim diplomacy and the government started a special service that delivers halal meals, prepared according to Islamic law, to home-bound seniors in Detroit. [And who] could forget Hillary Clinton’s special order allowing the reentry of two radical Islamic academics whose terrorist ties have long banned them from the U.S.?

In other words, criticizing Islamofascism — the political strain of Islam — could very well be criminalized by the Obama-Holder administration. The Islamist term for this crime is “Blasphemy”, which may include one or more of the following:
– speaking ill of Allah
– finding fault with Muhammad
– speculating about how Muhammad would behave if he were alive
– drawing a picture to represent Muhammad
– whistling during prayers
– flouting the rules prescribed for Ramadan
– reciting Muslim prayers in a language other than Arabic
– consuming alcohol
– gambling
– being alone with persons of the opposite sex who are not blood relatives
– finding amusement in Islamic customs
– publishing an unofficial translation of the Qur’an
– practicing yoga
– watching a film or listening to music
– wearing make-up on television
– insulting religious scholarship
– wearing the clothing of Jews or of Zoroastrians
– participating in non-Islamic religious festivals
– converting from Islam to Christianity

This crime is, in many cases, punishable by death.

In other words, you are no longer living in America.

And this is definitely a Christian American Opinion
Mark Labriola

The “American Way of Life” – R.I.P. 2013

bhohomoDoes the title sound dismal and fatalistic to you? Well, if you are the average non political or “progressive” minded American you most likely refuse to have this view of your country because it reflects abysmally on a society you very well accept. But the truth is that we have degenerated shamefully. You of course see it if your frame of reference is the America we’ve known and understood until only a few years ago. You must remember! The society where babies were considered sacred and precious; not lumps of unwanted flesh. A country where perverts were ashamed to be found out!  But then, if persistent in their behavior – tarred and feathered – but certainly not openly paraded through the streets with “pride”. Back when our Christian God and the Ten Commandments were honored and posted in courts; not torn down and taken to court. An America where in society, being a “hood” or hoodlum was frowned upon and certainly not purported as a mainstream popular idol. PPGirlSCoutsLogo Unfortunately, average liberal Americans review this decent into depravity as moral evolution or even worse, intellectual superiority. Well, one day, the stink from our current societal debauchery, will erupt like a volcano. The molten slime that pours out will destroy everything traditionally American in its path. Those left unscathed will only be the compromising sycophantic hypocrites that have lived the lie that brought our great country down and will have to settle for living in a world without love, faith, hope or justice but most of all a world without the true American Way of Life. And that’s A Christian American Opinion