Tag Archives: United States

Democratic God of Obama – His God-zilla Size Incompetence


The only God in the Democratic Party other than the god that our enemies worship is the Godzilla sized lies and incompetence that is so apparent every day from the top down.

So now we hear about yet another scandal that proves Obama’s Godzilla sized incompetence.

The VA has been mismanaged for quite a while. Even before his election in 2008 Obama campaigned on the need to change things at the VA. Well things have really changed since he’s been elected. His administration gives bonuses to those who allow 100s our soldiers to die. And when this is discovered he does nothing more than give the VA director what amounts to a time out!

“Obamacare will provide inexpensive healthcare to 30 million Americans that don’t have insurance”.  “You can keep your doctor”.  “You keep your plan if you like it”. “Your premiums will go down!” All blatant lies known to be untrue at every speech Obama made from his first day in office.

The IRS is directed by Obama’s administration to intimidate conservative groups prior to his reelection campaign and when they are found out he goes on television during the Superbowl and smugly lies by declaring there is not a smidgen of corruption.

Obama arms our enemies in Libya and then allows the murder of 4 Americans in order to cover it up and his Secretary of State declares “what difference does it make?”

Democrats used to be an honorable party but when I watched their convention in 2012 and saw them indignantly vote to have GOD removed from their platform it became disappointedly obvious that everyone that remained in this decrepit party decided to stay because it truly represents who they are. A godless power-hungry group of fascists that want nothing more but to destroy the Constitution that protects us from the likes of them.

The evil we face today is more powerful than in days past. The vile rant of those on the left that  Bush and Cheney are war mongers for the sake of oil are so blind to the truth that the facts never seem to matter. Where’s the oil?

Then we have  feminist liberals wholesale slaughter of babies in the womb for profit and if their murderous spirits can’t kill babies they take their guns to gun free zones and slaughter innocents there. And what is the response from their liberal cohorts? Take away guns from the Godly and Law abiding. Brilliant!

Now how sick is that?

When challenged all they can do,  going to historical moments, blame a Republican that did something counter to what Conservatives are vocalizing today; in someway using that to justifying their position.. They will never admit they are wrong.  All they do is obfuscate divert attention from themselves and blame Bush. Now how ridiculous is that?

So if you consider yourself a Democrat because your parents or grandparents were democrat, stop listening to the liberal pundits rant against the Tea Party and Conservatives from the leftist media and spend some time alone considering what is the meaning of right and wrong. Consider what the values are that really matter in your daily world.  Then find someone who claims to be affiliated with the Tea Party movement or just claims to be a Conservative and ask them what they value in life. If you are still persuaded that being aligned with the Democrat party is what you want, than you deserve the Godless future of Godzilla sized destruction you get. But if you are moved by the basic values that it appears you both share…welcome to the Godly world of the Conservative movement.

Sunday’s a Commin’


Only fools believe government to be benevolent. Only Christ is benevolent and a government that protects the inalienable rights of its citizens acts on the behalf of Jesus Christ. So was, for this purpose, our constitution written. The fools who declare our constitution archaic and out of date have no honest appreciation for the Liberty and Freedom and Christlike living it is designed to protect. It was not designed to protect godless atheism or a tyrannical Federal government. It was designed to protect us from such things by providing for the FREE exercise of our religious freedom and the pursuit of our own personal happiness.

The abuses over the past 50 years have given a permissive society an excuse to decry the value provided by our sacred constitution. Yes I said sacred. Not ordained or inspired by Christ as the Bible but by the Godly wisdom and principle of Christlike men who sacrificed all they had for the principles penned within. To mock or belittle its tenets is disrespect of the highest degree and one must ignore the millions of lives that have been either lost or impacted in its defence. In everything give thanks for this is the will of God concerning you and remember…..

It’s Good Friday y’all but Sunday’s a commin’

And that’s this Christian American Opinion


EDWARD L. BERNAYSTHE conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.

We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. – PROPAGANDA, EDWARD L. BERNAYS 1928

President Wilson employed Bernays to push his progressive agenda almost 100 years ago. Nothing is new under the sun. For the complete work by Bernays on  controlling  the masses through Propaganda follow this link to his paper.


It’s not advertising it’s propaganda.


Origin: 1710–20; < Neo-Latin, short for congregātiō dē propāgandā fidē congregation for propagating the faith; propāgandā, ablative singular feminine gerundive of propāgāre; see propagate.

prop·a·gan·da [prop-uh-gan-duh] Show IPA noun
1. information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.
2. the deliberate spreading of such information, rumors, etc.
3. the particular doctrines or principles propagated by an organization or movement.

When you turn on Broadcast or Cable News or pick up the New York Times you think you are reading or hearing unbiased journalism, THINK again. When you sit down to listen to a government news conference featuring the President or some other government official thinking you’re going to hear the objective truth about what’s going on in our world, THINK again.  In today’s corrupt business/political environment tactics that have been used in America since the early 20th century are being used on you all day long. PROPAGANDA.

Think for yourself, do your own research for news. Don’t trust journalists who have a predisposition to the moral absolute of indiscriminateness and a cultural bias against Judeo Christian ethics and morality. Using propaganda they have, as a group, already gained control of those weak minded individuals that need to follow the crowd to find  justification and a counterfeit morality. Don’t buy in to their counterfeit “loving” and “tolerant” religion. It’s neither loving or tolerant.

And that’s a Christian American Opinion

DC Creates an Emesis Epidemic!


Is the constitutionality of the 1st 2nd and 4th amendment issues that face us today merely decided by the subjective opinion of those in power? Are the people that are in our circle, that we might offend, the litmus test for right and wrong? I believe the founding principles need to be protected beyond the Amendments or laws which they produced…but that would require those who make our laws, those who execute our laws and those who define the intent of our laws to have principles to begin with or be GOD FEARING PEOPLE, as our founding fathers were who created our Constitution!

Which they are not!

I’m getting dehydrated!!!!

And that’s this Christian American’s Opinion…


Pick Which Obama Administration Scandal is Racist?


1. Mexican gun running?

2. The State Dept. lying about Benghazi?” 

3. The IRS targeting conservatives?” 

4. The DOJ spying on the press?” 

5. Sibelius shaking down health insurance executives?” 

6. The NSA monitoring our phone calls, e-mails and everything else?” 

7. The State Dept. (new today) interfering with an IG investigation on dept. sexual misconduct?” 

8. HHS employees (also new today) being given insider information on Medicare Advantage?” 

9. Clinton, the IRS, Clapper & Holder all lying to Congress?” 

Or 65 million low-info voters sticking us again with the most corrupt administration in American history?”

“Making Choices in Society”

Obama’s Choices!!! (Watch this short clip)

koolaidBarack Obama spoke in San Diego California to a group in support of his failing health care plan. He made a clumsy script-less  attempt before an aid finally produced a prepared speech. After which he was asked questions regarding the recent privacy scandals in which he answered:

“Trust me, we’re doing the right thing. We know who the bad guys are.” (Which means)

“I think the American people understand that there are some trade-offs involved,” (Which means)

“We’re going to have to make some choices as a society. (Which means)

“It’s important to recognize that you can’t have 100 percent security and also then have 100 percent privacy and zero inconvenience,”  (Which means)

I don’t like the choices that Obama says we have to make for security in our country. He is using a real threat against us to undermine our Constitutional government  Also, most media sources do not even report his unconstitutional posturing. The links I’ve connected to above are mostly from conservative sources because Google doesn’t even show a monolithic main stream media source for any of these proven facts.

I don’t believe our enemies deserve the privileges of an American Constitution that they don’t respect. I choose that we go after muslims that will not pledge allegiance to the United States of America and one nation under one God. We are a Christian nation not a muslim or Islam nation. All other faiths are welcome to freely express their beliefs but they will not control or influence our American culture. The sooner we promote that and start profiling those who are responsible for terror the sooner we can get on with the American way and the Constitutional protections established by our founding fathers.

And that’s A Christian American Opinion

The “American Way of Life” – R.I.P. 2013

bhohomoDoes the title sound dismal and fatalistic to you? Well, if you are the average non political or “progressive” minded American you most likely refuse to have this view of your country because it reflects abysmally on a society you very well accept. But the truth is that we have degenerated shamefully. You of course see it if your frame of reference is the America we’ve known and understood until only a few years ago. You must remember! The society where babies were considered sacred and precious; not lumps of unwanted flesh. A country where perverts were ashamed to be found out!  But then, if persistent in their behavior – tarred and feathered – but certainly not openly paraded through the streets with “pride”. Back when our Christian God and the Ten Commandments were honored and posted in courts; not torn down and taken to court. An America where in society, being a “hood” or hoodlum was frowned upon and certainly not purported as a mainstream popular idol. PPGirlSCoutsLogo Unfortunately, average liberal Americans review this decent into depravity as moral evolution or even worse, intellectual superiority. Well, one day, the stink from our current societal debauchery, will erupt like a volcano. The molten slime that pours out will destroy everything traditionally American in its path. Those left unscathed will only be the compromising sycophantic hypocrites that have lived the lie that brought our great country down and will have to settle for living in a world without love, faith, hope or justice but most of all a world without the true American Way of Life. And that’s A Christian American Opinion

What Ever Happened to the WHOPPER?

So yesterday I developed an irresistible urge for a quick hot juicy burger. Coincidently I was at that very moment driving right toward the entrance of a drive through…Burger King – Home of the all American WHOPPER! As I spun my wheels sharply to the right so not to miss the driveway the saliva began to flow. I’m not kidding, I was drooling. All I could think about was that quarter pound flame broiled ground beef sandwich stacked with tomatoes, lettuce, onions, pickles with mayo mustard and catsup. Back in 1971 it was so wide and thick I could hardly hold it with one hand. I usually had it cut in half just to facilitate its polite inoffensive consumption. Remember the slogan “It takes two hands to handle the Whopper”?

whopperAs I perused the outdoor menu, crowded with more choices than I coud ever imagine at a burger joint, there it was…the WHOPPER! But the options had changed a little. My choice was either a single, double or triple. TRIPLE? Who could ever consume a sandwich that was not only too big to hold with one hand but with 3 huge patties stacked between those two plate size buns? Well, to each his own. “I’ll take a regular Whopper and a medium coke,”I told the speaker phone outside my driver side window. I could not wait to dig into that luscious piece of heaven. I took the bag from the pimple faced kid and drove to the first open parking spot I could find. I reached in – pulled out the paper wrapped bit of nostalgia that so affected my glands – but what did I see? A drooping soggy sloppy keizer roll the size of my wife’s hand. Nothing at all like what I had remembered from back in the day. I thought, “what ever happened to the whopper”? 

So this burger, like everything else wonderful in our lives, we want to experience again in the same way we remember it, fails to meet our expectations! “The good ole days” will never be again. So hang it up, enjoy what you have in the now and stop wondering what ever happened to the Whopper!

The Barrage of Recalcitrant RINOS

I’m not blogging very much these days since the election. I’m working through the spiritual manifestation of evil that got the hugest pass in American history. But, in the meantime, my wonderfully talented son, who lives in Colorado is barraged by so called reasonable republicans who are mad because we lost due to the Republican Party’s Platform and how our lack of spin and parsing of our position has scared too many votes off. I regret sharing this vile link (to the blogger http://tinyurl.com/arq9arw ) that my son’s friend shared with him. But you may need it for perspective. My son shares it with me looking for his Dad’s opinion. Well, below I share my opinion. I hope it not only grabs my son’s attention but many others being attacked by the recalcitrant RINOS.

This guy is from Vermont – a flaming liberal, just read his language. Please do not get fooled by his warped Godless logic. You have to put the US Constitution and Christian Biblical doctrine in the equation which this idiot doesn’t. For me to start going point by point is a total waste of your’s and my time. Right him and the blog off

Did you know how the Secret Service is taught how to recognize a counterfeit $100 bill?  Well I’ll skip to the chase and tell you straight out – it’s not by studying counterfeit bills its by studying an authentic $100 bill so much they can tell a counterfeit practically by touch.

My advise to you is spend some time studying the Constitution of the United States and the Bible doctrines that apply to the principles that founded our country. That way, when you see garbage like this, cloaked in reason, you can simply hit the delete button. The wolves are out to get you, don’t forget that.

You can just tell your friend you don’t think you’re ready for a political or philosophical discussion until you are more boned up on the Biblical and US Constitutional facts.

We are not a country that was created by a bunch of fools whose logic was based on race, sex and economic conditions. Liberty goes far beyond the spin on the left, as a matter of fact if it wasn’t for the thousands of men who died to preserve our liberty this idiot wouldn’t even have the right to speak his misguided mind. Its not about Party its about values. And if our country’s values have sunk so low that we must appeal to the sexual perverts, baby killers, vote buyers and race baiters or those sympathetic to them we are on the way to losing what America stands for. Jesus Christ spoke the truth and did not put any spin on it to attract a lot of votes…the differences are beyond logic and reason, they are spiritual in nature.

Here is a video of the kind of human beings his logic creates.


And that’s a Christian American Opinion

Lions 1 Christians 0 for Now.

My son was hoping to give me some helpful advise on why Republican Mitt Romney lost. He expressed the erroneous opinion, that if we were more towards the center of the political spectrum more people would have voted for a Republican as President of the United States. So again I have to hear from my own son its the Right Wing Conservatives fault. It’s never the Left Wing Democrat Liberal’s fault for being flat-out dishonest or creating a division between the so-called “rich” and poor. So I wrote him an email explaining my position and here it is.

I know you’d love to have a more “reasonable” Dad, but I’m not. I hate to be a disappointment to you but  I do not agree. The “new america?”  Obama only won by 50% of the votes ( and by winning strategic states with enough electoral votes). The other 50% rejects the left thinking of Obama…he’s definitely not center.  If our votes were switched by location Mitt would be our new President.

Ungodly social policy is what attracts 50% and moral social policy attracts the other 50%.

There is no middle between light and darkness. Even if we had  “fresh inspiring ideas” but still did not approve of abortion, didn’t promise free stuff, did not promote  pro-homo policy we would always lose to liberal lefties or 50% of the country.  Even if we did have a candidate that was lukewarm on these issues or “couched” their  presentation of his ideas like Mitt Romney (who actually was the least radically right, remember he was the Gov. of Massachusetts a far left state)  the least right-wing of all the Republicans in the primaries. Or even someone like John McCain who was as liberal and lukewarm a republican as they come, you would see the Colberts, Stewarts and MSNBCs find other ways to throw them under a bus!

Obama can abandon an embassy to terrorists lie about it and get a pass and even have News programs like 60 minutes hide what he said about it. If America votes their conscience you see where our country’s conscience sits. Some statisticians can be right but at what cost? Jut because his math is right doesn’t make the people right. I can offer additional stats from CU a lefty college  that showed an opposite result. See Here.

I could say the same thing you said that for republicans to be part of a  “new america” they have to come to the center but for the democrats needing to come farther  to the right to be inline with the Constitution of the US and God’s principles. The Political Media Machine of this country is determined to turn us into a “globally” acceptable country with everybody getting what they want whether moral or not and at someone else’s expense.  Look at Greece, Spain today. Obama’s policies will take us the way of those countries and financial condition. BROKE and RIOTING


You can now smoke pot in Colorado. I wonder if the Right Wing Christians or the non-christian left voted that in? Certainly reflects Colorado’s general moral condition.


It’s a way more complicated and complex an argument to debate so I prefer to boil it down to one simple illustration.


For this go-round its:

 Hungry Lions 1  / Outspoken Christians 0

 But this doesn’t make the Christians wrong, just dead…..but only for now!

And that’s A Christian American Opinion.